Streaming API

Acuity streaming API allows users to subscribe and receive live data using WebSocket protocol.

You can subscribe and receive updates on the following topics:

Note: API usage is intended for clients who want to cache content on their servers. If you want to provide content directly to the end user, please contact Acuity first.

How to use

First of all, you need to open a WebSocket connection. Once it's done, you need to connect to our server at wss://{YOUR_API_KEY}

After establishing a successful connection to the server you can create subscriptions and receive the data.

To create a subscription all you need to do is to send an object with parameters as a message using the connection you opened. There are different sets of parameters for each topic.

Here you can find an example of an application that receives data using Streaming API.

Common Subscription Parameters

The following parameters are required in any subscription:

Name Type Description
action string Message action. Acceptable values: subscribe, unsubscribe
topic string Topic type. Acceptable values: assets, sentiments, djnews, djtopstory, djcalendar, fxcalendar, fxnews, screports, abmfnnews, analystratings
format number Response format. Acceptable values: 0 - default (full), 1 - simplified (contains only mandatory fields)

Assets Subscription Parameters

This is a collective subscription that allows you to receive all updates on an asset(s)

Name Type Description
assetClassId number Optional. Required if assetIds, names and tickers are not specified. Filter by Acuity Asset Class. You can get a list of available asset classes using /api/assettypes API endpoint.
assetIds array of numbers Optional. Required if assetClassId, names and tickers are not specified. Filter by Acuity asset IDs. You can get a list of available assets using /api/sentiment/asset API endpoint.
names array of strings Optional. Required if assetClassId, assetIds and tickers are not specified. Filter by asset names
tickers array of strings Optional. Required if assetClassId, assetIds and names are not specified. Filter by asset ticker names
sentimentTypeTds array of numbers Optional. Specify sentiment types on which you want to get updates. You can get a list of available sentiment types using /api/sentiment/type API endpoint.
period number Optional. Granularity of the sentiment data. Acceptable values: 0 - hourly, 1 - daily, 2 - all. Default - hourly.
lang string Optional. News, Calendar and Signal Centre language, e.g. en-GB, es-ES, zh-CN
includeDJNews boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to receive DJ news for selected assets
includeDJCalendar boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to receive DJ events for selected assets
includeFXNews boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to receive FX news for selected assets
includeFXCalendar boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to receive FX events for selected assets
includeABMFNNews boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to receive ABMFN news for selected assets
includeSignalCentreReports boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to receive Signal Centre Reports for selected assets
fillAssetInfo boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to fill AssetClassIds and AssetIds properties in news and events response
scperiod string Optional. Signal Centre period. Acceptable values: intraday, medium-term, short-term
Subscription Object Example (C#)
    var subscriptionParams = new JObject
            ["action"] = "subscribe",
            ["topic"] = "assets",
            ["assetClassId"] = 6,
            ["assetIds"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { 3, 46, 50 }),
            ["names"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { "bitcoin", "Brent Crude", "Alphabet Inc", "Canon", "Amazon" }),
            ["tickers"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { "MSFT", "XAG", "USD/JPY" }),
            ["sentimentTypeIds"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 }),
            ["period"] = (int)IntervalType.All,
            ["lang"] = "en-gb",
            ["includeDJNews"] = true,
            ["includeDJCalendar"] = true,
            ["includeFXCalendar"] = true,
            ["includeFXNews"] = true,
            ["includeSignalCentreReports"] = true,
            ["format"] = 0

Sentiments Subscription Parameters

This subscription allows you to receive updates on Acuity Sentiment Data

Name Type Description
assetClassId number Optional. Required if assetIds, names and tickers are not specified. Filter by Acuity Asset Class. You can get a list of available asset classes using /api/assettypes API endpoint.
assetIds array of numbers Optional. Required if assetClassId, names and tickers are not specified. Filter by Acuity asset IDs. You can get a list of available assets using /api/sentiment/asset API endpoint.
names array of strings Optional. Required if assetClassId, assetIds and tickers are not specified. Filter by asset names
tickers array of strings Optional. Required if assetClassId, assetIds and names are not specified. Filter by asset ticker names
sentimentTypeTds array of numbers Required. Sentiment types IDs for which you want to receive updates. You can get a list of available sentiment types using /api/sentiment/type API endpoint.
period number Optional. Granularity of the data. Acceptable values: 0 - hourly, 1 - daily, 2 - all. Default - hourly.
Subscription Object Example (C#)
Default Response Example
Simplified Response Example
var subscriptionParams = new JObject
        ["action"] = "subscribe",
        ["topic"] = "sentiments",
        ["assetIds"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { 3, 46, 50 }),
        ["names"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { "bitcoin", "Brent Crude", "Alphabet Inc", "Canon", "Amazon" }),
        ["tickers"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { "MSFT", "XAG", "USD/JPY" }),
        ["sentimentTypeIds"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { 13, 14, 17, 22 }),
        ["period"] = 1,
        ["format"] = 0
  "topic": "sentiments",
  "Period": 0,
  "AssetId": 3,
  "Name": "Apple Inc",
  "Ticker": "AAPL",
  "Data": [
      "SentimentTypeId": 13,
      "Value": 1.0171
      "SentimentTypeId": 14,
      "Value": 0.6526
      "SentimentTypeId": 17,
      "Value": 1.1227
      "SentimentTypeId": 22,
      "Value": 3.7414
  "topic": "sentiments",
  "Period": 0,
  "AssetId": 3,
  "Name": "Apple Inc",
  "Ticker": "AAPL",
  "Data": [
      "SentimentTypeId": 13,
      "Value": 1.0171
      "SentimentTypeId": 14,
      "Value": 0.6526
      "SentimentTypeId": 17,
      "Value": 1.1227
      "SentimentTypeId": 22,
      "Value": 3.7414

Dow Jones News Subscription Parameters

With this subscription, you will receive news based on your permissions: DJ Multi Asset News, DJ FX News Only, or DJ News Select

Name Type Description
lang string Optional. News language code. Available values: "ar-ae", "de-de", "en-gb", "es-es", "fr-fr", "it-it", "ja-jp", "pt-br", "pt-pt", "ru-ru", "zh-cn", "zh-hk"
query string Optional. Dow Jones query filter, e.g. "(P/MAAD OR P/MAST) AND N/DJCS"), etc.
fillAssetInfo boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to fill AssetClassIds and AssetIds properties in response
Subscription Object Example (C#)
Default Response Example
Simplified Response Example
var subscriptionParams = new JObject
        ["action"] = "subscribe",
        ["topic"] = "djnews",
        ["lang"] = "en-GB",
        ["query"] = "n/djfn or p/maad or N/DJBN",
        ["fillAssetInfo"] = true,
        ["format"] = 0
  "topic": "djnews",
  "messageType": "insert",
  "id": "dn20200918005286",
  "lang": "en-gb",
  "doc": {
    "@msize": "000004014",
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    "@sysId": "sbknwsdcmn3p1",
    "@destination": "AW",
    "@distId": "JLD2",
    "@transmission-date": "20200918T141303Z",
    "djnml": {
      "@publisher": "DJN",
      "@docdate": "20200918",
      "@product": "DN",
      "@seq": "5286",
      "@xml:lang": "en-us",
      "head": {
        "copyright": {
          "@year": "2020",
          "@holder": "Dow Jones & Company, Inc."
        "docdata": {
          "djn": {
            "djn-newswires": {
              "@news-source": "DJDN",
              "@origin": "DJ",
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              "djn-urgency": "0",
              "djn-mdata": {
                "@brand": "DJ",
                "@temp-perm": "P",
                "@retention": "N",
                "@hot": "N",
                "@original-source": "CM",
                "@accession-number": "20200918005183",
                "@page-citation": "",
                "@display-date": "20200918T1413Z",
                "djn-coding": {
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                    "c": [
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                  "djn-product": {
                    "c": [
                  "djn-geo": {
                    "c": [
                  "djn-stat": {
                    "c": [
      "body": {
        "headline": {
          "@brand-display": "DJ",
          "#text": "\nU.S. Leading Economic Index Increased in August But Lost Steam"
        "text": "

\n By Maria Martinez

\n An economic index that measures U.S. business cycles rose in August for the fourth straight month but at a slower pace than in previous months, data from the Conference Board showed Friday.

\n The Leading Economic Index was 106.5 in August, up 1.2% compared with July. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal expected the indicator to increase at a pace of 1.4%. In July, the index rose by an upwardly revised 2.0% compared with June.

\n August' s rise, albeit slower than that of July, posts a fourth consecutive month of increases in the index, which registered in March the steepest monthly fall in the survey's history as the coronavirus pandemic took hold.

\n The Conference Board Leading Economic Index is based on 10 components, among them initial claims for unemployment insurance, manufacturers' new orders, building permits of new private housing units, stock prices and consumers expectations. It is intended to signal swings in the business cycle and to smooth out some of the volatility of individual indicators.

\n \"While the U.S. LEI increased again in August, the slowing pace of improvement suggests that this summer's economic rebound may be losing steam heading into the final stretch of 2020,\" Conference Board Senior Director of Economic Research Ataman Ozyildirim said.

\n Despite the improvement, the LEI remains in recession territory, still 4.7% below its February level.

\n \"Weakening in new orders for capital goods, residential construction, consumers' outlook, and financial conditions point to increasing downside risks to the economic recovery,\" Mr. Ozyildirim said.

\n Looking ahead to 2021, the LEI suggests that the U.S. economy will start the new year under substantially weakened economic conditions, Mr. Ozyildirim said.

\n The Coincident Economic Index rose 0.6% in August to 100.8, while the Lagging Economic Index decreased 0.6% in August to 107.6, data from the Conference Board showed.

\n Write to Maria Martinez at

\n (END) Dow Jones Newswires

\n September 18, 2020 10:13 ET (14:13 GMT)

" } }, "AssetIds": [101830, 101838, 101870, 101872, 102740, 102758, 112977, 113252 ], "AssetClassIds": [10027, 8] } }
  "topic": "djnews",
  "messageType": "insert",
  "id": "dn20200918005665",
  "lang": "en-gb",
  "doc": {
    "Id": "dn20200918005665",
    "Title": "Rise of US Consumer Confidence Signals Recovery Is on Track -- Market Talk",
    "Content": "

\n 1512 GMT - The rise in the University of Michigan measure of U.S. consumer confidence is yet more evidence that the expiry of additional federal unemployment benefits hasn't knocked the recovery off course, says Michael Pearce, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics. The headline index stood at 78.9 in early September, reaching its highest level since March, before widespread concern about the pandemic set in. The rise in consumer confidence, which is still far from pre-pandemic levels, could reflect a continued improvement in the labor market conditions at the beginning of the month, Pearce says. (

\n (END) Dow Jones Newswires

\n September 18, 2020 11:12 ET (15:12 GMT)

", "Summary": "

\n 1512 GMT - The rise in the University of Michigan measure of U.S. consumer confidence is yet more evidence that the expiry of additional federal unemployment benefits hasn't knocked the", "Date": "2020-09-18T15:12:00Z", "Flash": false, "Hot": false, "AccessionNumber": 20200918005665, "AssetIds": [101830, 101838, 101870, 101872, 102740, 102758, 112977, 113252 ], "AssetClassIds": [10027, 8], "Geographies": ["R/NME", "R/US"] } }

Dow Jones Top News Subscription Parameters

This subscription allows you to receive updates on Dow Jones Top News

Name Type Description
lang string Optional. News language code. Available values: "en-gb", "ja-jp", "zh-hk".
collections array of strings Optional. Filter by Dow Jones Collections

Supported DJ Collection names:

WSJ What's New
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.FP_US_LEAD_1
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.FP_US_LEAD_2
The Daily Shot
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_DailyShot_1
Company News
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_CompanyNews_1
Market Driving Events
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_MarketDriving_1
U.S. and Global News
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_GlobalNews_1
North America
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_REG_NorthAmerica_1
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_REG_AsiaPacific_1
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_REG_EMEA_1
Latin America
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_REG_LatinAmerica_1
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_Lifestyle_1
Top News in Chinese
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.TopCWSJ_1
Top News in Japanese
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.JP_LEAD_2
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.JP_LEAD_4
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.JP_TOP_PICKS_1
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.JP_FEATURED2_1
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_Automobiles_1
Consumer Products
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_ConsumerProducts_1
Energy and Utilities
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_Energy_1
Financial Services
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_FinancialServices_1
Health Care
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_HealthCare_1
Industrials and Aerospace
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_Industrials_1
Real Estate
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_RealEstate_1
  • drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.NP_IND_Retail_1
Subscription Object Example (C#)
Default Response Example
Simplified Response Example
var subscriptionParams = new JObject
        ["action"] = "subscribe",
        ["topic"] = "djtopstory",
        ["lang"] = "en-GB", 
        ["collections"] = JToken.FromObject(new[] { "NP_GlobalNews_1", "NP_CompanyNews_1", "drn:consumer.contentcollection.originid.AdvisorCenter_1" }),
        ["format"] = 0
  "topic": "djtopstory",
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      "authors": [
          "full_name": "Jacob Gallagher",
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      "body": [
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          "content": [
              "type": "Emphasis",
              "emphasis_type": "Subscript",
              "text": "WHEN COVID-19"
              "text": " shuttered flea markets nationwide, "
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              "ref": "i2-SB11918240514478904723004586645210357843894",
              "text": "Chris Fernandez"
              "text": ", a vintage clothing dealer, filled the void. On Instagram—where he boasts an impressive 73,000-plus followers—Mr. Fernandez started “the Virtual Flea,” a recurring, weekend-long livestream where vendors book slots and hawk their wares. On August 3, "
              "icon": "none",
              "link_type": "EXTERNAL",
              "type": "Link",
              "ref": "i3-SB11918240514478904723004586645210357843894",
              "text": "Corbin Smith"
              "text": ", a 27-year-old dealer from Arizona, took command of the livestream. Mr. Smith had a "
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              "ref": "i4-SB11918240514478904723004586645210357843894",
              "text": "special T-shirt on offer"
              "text": ", promoting the 1992 "
              "type": "Entity",
              "entity_type": "company",
              "significance": "PassingMention",
              "ref": "COMPANY|DIS",
              "text": "Disney"
              "text": " animated classic “Aladdin” with a gigundo print of the Genie character (voiced by the late Robin Williams) grinning his pearly whites. "
          "type": "Paragraph",
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          "content": [
              "text": "Earlier in the week, Mr. Smith teased the shirt on his Instagram page to great interest. “CRAZY GRAIL,” wrote one user. Another speculated it would garner at least $1,200. Mr. Smith hoped for $2,000—a princely return for a shirt he’d bought for $500 in December. The sale started at $1, but climbed rapidly, as viewers posted their bids into the chat. It passed $1,200. Then $2,000. Over 1,000 people were watching as the winning bid came in: $6,000, offered by @ShirtCheck, a shadowy buyer with a growing reputation in the vintage tee community. "
          "type": "Paragraph",
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          "content": [
              "text": "Mr. Smith burst into tears on the livestream when he saw the winning bid. “Before that moment happened, I’ve never had more than like $4,800 to my name,” said Mr. Smith a few weeks later as he recounted the heartracing auction. “And I made more than that off one piece of cloth.” "
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          "content": [
              "text": "Why would a shirt from a 28-year-old movie be as pricey as a used Camry? Because the vintage movie T-shirt market is mushrooming like never before. Just a year or two ago, “people would struggle to sell [movie tees] for 30 bucks, 40 bucks,” said "
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              "text": "Taylor Mickal"
              "text": ", 29, a photographer in Washington, D.C., who operates a vintage clothing business on the side. In recent months, interest in movie tees skyrocketed and Mr. Mickal lately sold three movie promo shirts for over $1,000 each. His biggest return to date was on a tee from 1998’s “Rounders,” the Matt Damon-led poker film, which he bought for $80 and flipped for $2,200."
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              "text": "Scarcity lifts the market. Vintage movie merch is in shorter supply than vintage band T-shirts, which were peddled en masse at concerts around America. In some cases, movie merch never even hit stores. It was doled out at a few theaters to drum up excitement or given as a crew memento. "
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              "text": "Mike Page"
              "text": ", 33, a landscaper and dedicated movie merch collector in Narragansett, R.I., owns what he thinks is a production-team hat from the 1995 Martin Scorcese crime film “Casino.” “There’s only one other person in the vintage community who has it,” said Mr. Page. “People send me offers for it all the time, but I’m never going to sell it.” "
          "type": "Paragraph",
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          "content": [
              "text": "Nostalgia is a potent catalyst for this merch surge. A movie T-shirt “brings back memories, it takes you back to growing up,” said "
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              "ref": "i7-SB11918240514478904723004586645210357843894",
              "text": "Casey Jones"
              "text": ", 29, a project coordinator in Phoenix who runs a vintage shirt side hustle. “The shirt doesn’t necessarily have to be [from] the coolest movie,” said Mr. Jones, it just needs to be from a movie that a buyer cherishes. “Rounders” is a perfect example. A moderate box office success, it took on a new life during the aughts poker boom and people in their 20s and 30s—the prime age for tee collecting—adore the film. Other shirt connoisseurs I interviewed for this story said their most prized tees were of culty 1980s and ’90s films like “Liar Liar,” “The Fifth Element,” “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” and “Scream.”"
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              "text": " are littered with cheap reprints, so shirt hoarders scrutinize shirts to make sure they’re up to snuff. “You can tell by the tag, and the stitching on the shirt: if it’s a single-stitch [construction] that’ll pretty much tell you that it’s a ’90 shirt,” said "
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              "text": "Gabe Richardson"
              "text": ", 28, a collector and flipper in Seattle who has a stash of 60 sought-after ’90s movie shirts including “Reservoir Dogs” and “Pulp Fiction.”"
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              "text": "The design also determines the desirability. Mr. Mickal of Washington, D.C. said people value “poster” shirts that replicate a movie’s main marketing image. He owns a tee for the 1998 film “Meet Joe Black,” showing Brad Pitt’s character walking over a backlit bridge, which would fetch “thousands of dollars more” than a shirt only showing the movie’s name. Shirts with full-bleed screen prints of a character, such as the “Aladdin” Genie tee, are also in high demand. "
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              "text": "So is that the only reason why the Genie shirt went for six grand? I called the mysterious @ShirtCheck—real name Josh Adams—to find out. Yes, he was drawn to the artwork on the shirt—which was created by Stanley DeSantis, a renowned T-shirt designer and actor who appeared in movies like “Bulworth,” “Boogie Nights” and “The Aviator.” But Mr. Adams, 40, also scooped up the shirt as an investment. "
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              "text": "During the day, he operates a digital agency in New York but for years he’s studied the vintage shirt market in his spare time. He became convinced “that super-premium tees...were being significantly undervalued,” so he began stockpiling them and paying handsomely to do so."
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              "text": "On the week we spoke, he said he’d shelled out $10,000 on movie and TV shirts. Several movie-shirt vendors I interviewed did deals with Mr. Adams, who seems to follow “the Godfather” school of negotiating. He recently bought a “Nightmare on Elm Street” shirt, for an undisclosed amount from Mr. Page, the Rhode Island collector. Mr. Page explained, “I try to avoid selling stuff...but once in a while I get such a good offer that I’d be almost stupid to refuse it.”"
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              "text": "Mr. Adams believes he holds one of the world’s largest collection of movie and TV shirts and in the coming weeks he plans to open “Varlago,” an online shop that will also offer guidance for upstart sellers and written content around his mammoth collection. The content is sure to be cerebral. Throughout our call to explain the value of vintage shirts, Mr. Adams cited everything from author Joseph Campbell’s work on mythology to Clayton Christensen’s theory of “disruptive innovation.” His thesis, as far as I understood it, is that movie and TV T-shirts gain a supersized worth both through an individual’s personal connection to the story they reference as well as a market’s perception of the shirt (see: the bidding frenzy for the Genie shirt). When both those things click, a shirt’s sticker price can fly. "
          "type": "Paragraph",
          "display": "Plain",
          "content": [
              "text": "For a case-study comparison, Mr. Adams looks to the sneaker reselling market, which has soared in the last decade. Is it possible that in time the Genie shirt could sell for $437,500, as an early "
              "type": "Entity",
              "entity_type": "company",
              "significance": "PassingMention",
              "ref": "COMPANY|NKE",
              "text": "Nike"
              "text": " running shoe did at Sotheby’s last year? Mr. Adams would like to think so. “We haven’t even come close to what sneakers sell for yet so this market is just getting started. That’s the bet that I’m making anyway.”"
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WASHINGTON—The Federal Reserve was set Monday to take an initial step to rewrite rules for hundreds of billions of dollars in lending in lower-income neighborhoods.

Fed governors were prepared to vote to seek public comment on a broad overhaul to its rules for the Community Reinvestment Act, a 1977 law aimed at ending redlining—banks’ practice of avoiding lending in certain areas, often minority neighborhoods.

The vote marks the latest effort by policy makers to modernize regulations formulated before the advent of online banking, when most lending activity revolved around local bank branches.

Regulators agree that the rules need updating, but the three agencies charged with implementing the law differ on how to refashion them. Monday’s move is likely to increase the prospect that banks will have to navigate different sets of rules for lending to poorer borrowers, though Fed officials said they still hoped to avoid that outcome.

Fed Governor Lael Brainard, the central bank’s point person on the overhaul, said Monday that the rules remain “as important as ever” as the U.S. confronts challenges with racial equity and the coronavirus pandemic.

“We must ensure that CRA is a strong and effective tool to address ongoing systemic inequities,” she said in a written statement.

Write to Andrew Ackerman at

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                "MonthlyPipChange": -89.44

FXStreet News Subscription Parameters

This subscription allows you to receive updates on FXStreet News

Name Type Description
lang string Optional. News language code. Available values: "de-de", "en-gb", "id-id", "ru-ru", "es-es", "zh-cn", "zh-hk".
tags array of strings Optional. Filter by FX Tags, e.g. "Currencies", "EURUSD", "Silver", etc.
fillAssetInfo boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to fill AssetClassIds and AssetIds properties in response
Subscription Object Example (C#)
Default Response Example
Simplified Response Example
var subscriptionParams = new JObject
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  "doc": {
    "HtmlContent": "
  • GBP/USD bears have taken control in an impressive break out to the downside.
  • \n\t
  • Brexit and Covis risks, as well as sentiment for negative interest rates, have weighed on the GBP.
  • \n

The bears have got off to a racy start in the breakout from the corrective highs on the daily chart. At the time of writing, GBP/USD is trading at 1.2788, a touch from the lows of 1.2775 having travelled from a high of 1.2966.


Cable is down almost 1% at the time of writing with all of the stars aligning from both a fundamental and technical basis. 


The latest positioning data shows that the GBP shorts are still building up and might be expected to continue to do so while no-deal Brexit and COVID-19 second wave risks escalate. 


GBP stood out in the G10 positioning last week. We have seen the erosion of GBP net long positioning with a drop from 7% of open interest to 2%.


The dynamic coincides with speculation that there could be as many as 50,000 new COVID-19 UK cases a day by the end of October if there are not drastic measures implemented immediately to stem the spread of the second wave.


This was a number warned by the government's chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance:


At the moment we think the epidemic is doubling roughly every seven days.


If, and that's quite a big if, but if that continues unabated, and this grows, doubling every seven days... if that continued you would end up with something like 50,000 cases in the middle of October per day.


Fifty-thousand cases per day would be expected to lead a month later, so the middle of November say, to 200-plus deaths per day.


The challenge, therefore, is to make sure the doubling time does not stay at seven days.


Meanwhile, there are mounting speculations that the UK government is about to back out of the Withdrawal Agreement while trade negotiations with the EU are balking.


GBP positioning has more to go


Shorts are a significant way from being where prior no-deal Brexit fear positioning was recorded.  


The EU has given Britain until the end of the month to amend the newly introduced legislation seeks to unilaterally overturn one of the key provisions of the bilateral agreement reached in January with Brussels.


The legislation seeks to unilaterally overturn a mandatory customs border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the U.K. if no free trade deal is agreed between London and the EU at the end of this year.


Additionally, talk of negative rates from the BoE is back in the UK headlines which put the balance of risks skewed to the downside for sterling in the short-term.  


GBP/USD levels


The start of the move for which was forecast in the following article has got underway, if not a little too spirited in order to get on board at a healthy discount:

  • GBP/USD Price Analysis: Testing strong resistance area, bears waiting to fade
  • \n

In the above analysis, both the DXY and GBP/USD have moved in the direction expected and cable is now firmly in the hands of the bears wrapped in bearish technical indicator readings.


However, it is still possible that a discount will be awarded to the patient bears if this critical support holds the first tests.


Pulling up the Fibonacci retracement levels of what appears to be the start of the next daily impulse, a 61.8% Fib comes in at the 1.29 area. 


However, a continuation to the downside opens risk towards 1.2690 and 1.2610 according to the Fib extensions -0.271 and -0.618.



\n", "Summary": "The bears have got off to a racy start in the breakout from the corrective highs on the daily chart. At the time of writing, GBP/USD is trading at 1.2", "CompanyName": "FXStreet", "Title": "GBP/USD breaks below 1.28 to test a critical support structure", "Url": "", "AuthorName": "Ross J Burland", "ImageXtraLarge": "", "ImageLarge": "", "ImageMedium": "", "ImageSmall": "", "ImageXtraSmall": "", "ImageNano": "", "ImageCaption": null, "ImageCopyright": null, "ImageTitle": null, "Id": "985f8568-a970-4700-8a58-8673942eae09", "Date": "2020-09-21T17:59:56", "Tags": [ { "Id": 79, "TagId": "e6ef2cec-66fe-4f48-9043-44c0039770e6", "TagName": "Currencies" }, { "Id": 236, "TagId": "d8fef2a8-ca95-4fbf-bfc8-c7fc236a1ccc", "TagName": "Brexit" }, { "Id": 295, "TagId": "a6744c19-fe88-488f-8044-fb1f574ca818", "TagName": "GBPUSD" }, { "Id": 1520, "TagId": "45a648c3-b261-41b7-9c2f-a82c2d4f6889", "TagName": "Coronavirus" } ], "AssetIds": [28], "AssetClassIds": [10027] } }
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    "Title": "EUR/USD drops to 2-day lows near 1.1760",
    "Content": "
  • EUR/USD loses the grip further and approaches 1.1750.
  • \n\t
  • Lagarde said the ECB remain attentive to the euro appreciation.
  • \n\t
  • Fed’s J.Powell will testify on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • \n

The selling pressure around the single currency is now picking up pace and is dragging EUR/USD to new lows in the 1.1760 region at the beginning of the week.


EUR/USD focused on Lagarde, waits for Powell


EUR/USD is adding to Friday’s losses below the key support at 1.18 the figure and threatens to revisit monthly lows in the 1.1740/35 band (September 17).


In the meantime, the leg lower in the pair remains sustained by renewed USD-buying in a context where investors remain biased towards the risk aversion.


Also weighing on the single currency, ECB’s Chief Christine Lagarde said the central bank remains attentive to the euro’s appreciation, reiterating at the same time that the ECB did not run out of ammunition and that a higher exchange rate put prices under downside pressure.


Nothing worth mentioning data wise in Euroland, whereas the Chicago Fed Activity Index surprised to the downside in August. Later in the NA session, FOMC’s permanent voter and (mega) dovish member Lael Brainard is due to speak.


Moving forward, the greenback is expected to remain in the centre of the debate later in the week in light of all three testimonies by Fed’s Jerome Powell (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).


What to look for around EUR


EUR/USD dropped and recorded fresh monthly lows near 1.1740 following the FOMC gathering. Despite the move, the pair’s outlook remains positive and bouts of weakness are so far deemed as short-lived and look contained. In addition, the improved sentiment in the risk-associated universe, auspicious results from domestic fundamentals - which have been in turn supporting further the view of a strong economic recovery following the coronavirus crisis – as well as a calmer US-China trade front are all underpinning the constructive view on the single currency. The solid positive stance in the speculative community, the latest message from the ECB and the euro area’s current account position also collaborate with this view on the currency.


EUR/USD levels to watch


At the moment, the pair is losing 0.65% at 1.1765 and faces the next support at 1.1737 (monthly low Sep.17) seconded by 1.1709 (38.2% Fibo of the 2017-2018 rally) and finally 1.1695 (monthly low Aug.3). On the other hand, a break above 1.1917 (high Sep.10) would target 1.1965 (monthly high Aug.18) en route to 1.2011 (2020 high Sep.1).

\n", "Summary": "The selling pressure around the single currency is now picking up pace and is dragging EUR/USD to new lows in the 1.1760 region at the beginning of th", "Date": "2020-09-21T13:37:27", "Flash": false, "Hot": false, "AssetIds": [28], "AssetClassIds": [10027] } }

FXStreet Calendar Subscription Parameters

This subscription allows you to receive updates on FXStreet Calendar events

Name Type Description
lang string Optional. Language code. Available values: "ar-ae", "de-de", "en-gb", "es-es", "id-id", "fa-ir", "fr-fr", "hu-hu", "ja-jp", "ko-kr", "it-it", "pl-pl", "pt-br", "pt-pt", "ru-ru", "th-th", "vi-vn", "zh-cn", "zh-hk".
countries array of strings Optional. Filter by FX Countries, e.g. eu, us, etc.
fillAssetInfo boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to fill AssetClassIds and AssetIds properties in response
Subscription Object Example (C#)
Default Response Example
Simplified Response Example
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    "HTMLDescription": "The Consumer Price Index released by the Central Statistical Office is a measure of price movements by the comparison between the retail prices of a representative shopping basket of goods and services. The purchase power of Zloty is dragged down by inflation. The CPI is a key indicator to measure inflation and changes in purchasing trends. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the Zloty, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).",
    "CountryId": "27eeefc4-19c9-4bf0-a2b3-a70852beeef5",
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    "EventName": "Harvest Festival ",
    "LongDescription": "Banks will be closed due to Harvest Festival. ",
    "Date": "2021-09-19T15:00:00Z",
    "Country": "KR",
    "Organization": null,
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Signal Centre Subscription Parameters

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lang string Optional. News language code. Available values: "ar-ae", "de-de", "en-gb", "es-es", "fa-ir", "hi-in", "id-id", "it-it", "fr-fr", "ja-jp", "ms-my", "nl-nl", "nb-no", "pl-pl", "pt-pt", "pt-br", "ru-ru", "sv-se", "tr-tr", "vi-vn", "zh-cn"
products array of strings Optional. Filter by Signal Centre products
scperiod string Optional. Filter by period. Acceptable values: intraday, medium-term, short-term

Supported Signal Centre Products

  • UK & EUROPEAN – UK100, GER30, FRA40, ASX200, SA40
  • US – DOW30, TECH100, US500
  • APAC – ASX200, HS50, CHN50, NIK225
  • ENERGY & METALS – US Crude Oil, Gold, Silver, Copper
Subscription Object Example (C#)
var subscriptionParams = new JObject
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ABMFN News Subscription Parameters

This subscription allows you to receive updates on ABMFN News

Name Type Description
lang string Required. News language code. Available values: "nl-nl" or "nl-be".
dossiers array of string Optional. Filter by dossiers. See supported values below
fillAssetInfo boolean Optional. Set to true if you want to fill AssetClassIds and AssetIds properties in response

Supported The Most Used Dossiers

1. Index

  • AEX_fonds - stock quoted in the AEX index (Dutch main index)
  • AMX_fonds - stock quoted in the AMX index (Dutch midcap)
  • ASCX_fonds - stock quoted in the AScX index (Dutch small caps)
  • Bel20 - stock quoted in the Bel20 index (Belgian main index)
  • Belmid - stock quoted in the Bel Mid index (Belgian midcap)
  • Belsmall - stock quoted in the Bel Small index (Belgian smallcap)
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  • Aziatische_multinationals - Asian stock
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  • Europese_multinationals - European Blue chips


  • Beursblik - Analyst comment on a certain stock or sector
  • Broker_adviezen - comment with change of analyst recommendation and/or target price
  • Preview - preview on quarterly figures or other market moving events like capital markets day, monetary policy decisions etc. Often enriched with consensus data

3. Marketcomments

  • Futures - market comment Wall Street before opening at 13h
  • Before_the_bell - market comment Wall Street before opening at 15h
  • After the bell - market comment after the close of Wall Street
  • Openingsbericht - market comment before opening Dutch/Belgian market
  • Beurs_update - 2 times daily market comment Dutch or Belgian at around 9h and 11h
  • Beursupdate - comment after an unexpected move in the market
  • Sluitingsbericht - market comment before opening Dutch/Belgian market
  • Euro_update - 3 times daily market comment on European markets
  • Waarschuwing - earnings warning

4. Economy

  • Amerikaanse_macro-economie - macro economic figures US
  • China - macro economic figures China
  • Duitsland - macro economic figures Germany
  • Economie_van_belgie - macro economic figures Belgium
  • Economie_van_nederland - macro economic figures Netherlands
  • Europa - macro economic figures Europe
  • Frankrijk - macro economic figures Frankrijk
  • Japan - macro economic figures Japan
  • Rusland - macro economic figures Russia
  • Verenigd_koninkrijk - macro economic figures UK

5. Central banks

  • Bank_of_england - central bank UK
  • Bank_of_japan - central bank Japan
  • Europese_centrale_bank - Central bank of EU (ECB)
  • FED - Federal reserve US
  • Peoples_bank_of_China - Central bank of China
  • Rentebericht - rate decisions central banks

6. Commodities

  • Edelmetalen - precious metals
  • Energie - stories about oil and other energy
  • Slot_olieprijs - daily settlement oil on NYMEX

7. Forex

  • Valutabericht - about forex

8. Daily Agendas

  • Bedrijfsagenda_BE - Belgian companies weekly rolling agenda
  • Bedrijfsagenda_internationaal - International companies weekly rolling agenda
  • Bedrijfsagenda_NL - Dutch companies weekly rolling agenda
  • Macro_agenda - macro-economic data weekly rolling agenda
  • Weekoverzicht - preview on the week on Sunday and review of the week on Friday

9. Video

  • Videobericht - article enriched with video

10. Hot

  • Aanbevolen - hot story of the day
  • Exclusief - exclusive stories i.e. interview with CEO, politicians etc.
  • Fusies_en_overnames - merger and acquisitions
  • Uitgelicht - stories of the week published on Friday after close European markets
  • Wereldnieuws - market moving news international
Subscription Object Example (C#)
Response Example
var subscriptionParams = new JObject
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    "topic": "abmfnnews",  
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    "lang": "nl-nl",  
    "title": "Europese beurzen hoger rond middaguur",  
    "headline": "Monetaire lentebries uit VS lijkt gerust te stellen.",  
    "content": "

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese beurzen noteerden donderdag hoger, nadat de Federal Reserve niet alleen optimistisch was over de Amerikaans economie, maar ook de rente tot aan 2024 laag zal houden.


De breed samengestelde STOXX Europe 600 index noteerde donderdag rond het middaguur een winst van 0,5 procent op 426,90 punten. De Duitse DAX liet een stijging zien van 1,2 procent naar 14.765,70 punten. De Franse CAC 40 noteerde een plus van 0,3 procent met een stand van 6.071,42 punten. De Britse FTSE noteerde donderdag 0,1 procent hoger op 6.769,76 punten.


De export en de import van de eurozone zijn in januari flink gedaald, waarbij vooral de import het moest ontgelden, waardoor het overschot op de handelsbalans van de muntunie toch nog opliep.


Vanmiddag maakt de Bank of England zijn rentebesluit bekend.


In de Verenigde Staten gaat de aandacht donderdag uit naar steunaanvragen, ingeschat op 700.000 nieuwe tegen 712.000 een week eerder, de activiteitenindex van de Federal Reserve van Philadelphia voor maart en de leidende indicatoren over februari.


Voor de voorzitter van de Europese Centrale Bank Christine Lagarde is vandaag veel tijd ingeruimd gezien haar optreden bij het zogeheten Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs en haar rede bij de Franse tweede kamer, de Assemblée Nationale.


Andere sprekers zijn vandaag Kristalina Georgieva, voorzitter van het Internationaal Monetair Fonds, en econoom van de Bank of England Andy Haldane.


Olie noteerde donderdag verdeeld. Een april-future West Texas Intermediate noteerde 0,1 procent in het groen op 64,62 dollar, terwijl voor een mei-future Brent 67,94 dollar werd betaald, een daling van 0,1 procent.


De euro/dollar noteerde op 1,1947. Bij aanvang van de handelsdag bewoog het muntpaar op 1,1945 en bij het sluiten van de Amerikaanse beurzen op woensdag stond er een stand van 1,1979 op de borden.


Nokia heeft nieuwe plannen aangekondigd om een duurzame, winstgevende groei te realiseren. De outlook voor 2021 werd donderdag gehandhaafd en nieuwe groeidoelen voor 2023 werden gepresenteerd. Het aandeel Nokia noteerde 1,9 procent lager in koers.


De vermogensbeheertak krijgt binnen Credit Suisse per 1 april een zelfstandige status, waarmee het strategische belang van de divisie wordt benadrukt. De koers van het aandeel noteerde een winst van 1,9 procent.


Nespresso, het koffie-onderdeel van het Zwitserse levensmiddelenconcern Nestlé, investeert 117 miljoen Zwitserse frank in een uitbreiding van zijn productiecentrum in het Zwitserse Avenches, om te kunnen voldoen aan de groeiende vraag naar zijn koffiecups. De koers van het aandeel Nestlé noteerde 0,2 procent hoger.


In Frankfurt noteerde meer dan de helft van de aandelen een winst van meer dan 1 procent. Slechts één aandeel moest koersverlies toestaan en dat betrof Linde, dat 0,8 procent daalde.


In Parijs ervoeren beleggers iets minder wind in de rug met krap minder dan de helft van de aandelen op koersverlies, maar met het gros onder het procent. De koers van het aandeel Société Générale voerde de lijst van plussen aan met een koerswinst van meer dan 3 procent.


Futures Wall Street


De Amerikaanse beurzen gaan donderdag vermoedelijk een lagere opening tegemoet. Futures op de S&P 500 index noteerden 0,4 procent in het rood.


De toonaangevende S&P 500 index steeg woensdag 0,3 procent tot 3.974,12 punten, de Dow Jones index won 0,6 procent op 33.015,37 punten en de Nasdaq sloot 0,4 procent hoger op 13.525,20 punten.


Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999


© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved. Any redistribution, duplication or archiving prohibited. ABM Financial News B.V. and the provider of this website/application do not warrant the accuracy of any News Content provided and shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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Analyst Ratings Subscription Parameters

This subscription allows you to receive updates on Analyst Ratings.

Name Type Description
assetIds array of longs Optional. Filter by Acuity asset IDs. You can get a list of available assets using /api/sentiment/asset API endpoint.
minRatings int Optional. Return only records with higher ratings count than specified number
Subscription Object Example (C#)
Response Example
var subscriptionParams = new JObject
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        "CalculationDate": "2023-06-11T14:30:06"

Streaming API Application example (C#)

public static async Task ConnectAndSubscribe()
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        Console.WriteLine($"Error with message: {e.Message}");

        var rnd = new Random();
        var delay = rnd.Next(1, 2000);
        await Task.Delay(delay);
        await ConnectAndSubscribe();